Monday, January 24, 2011

New Year, New Goals, New Dreams and a New Vision for Life

I have decided to set some goals for this year.  I've always called them "resolutions" but I heard in Sunday School that we really don't follow through on "resolutions".  That's obvious for me.  I don't think that I have EVER completed a whole year and followed through on one, SO this year it's GOALS! 

One of my goals is to lose weight and get healthy.  I don't think of myself as morbidly obese, but I am around 50 pounds overweight and it bothers me.  I think what bothers me even more is that I am not healthy.  I appear healthy, no major health problems, but my cholesterol is high, my blood pressure tends to run high, and my HDL is high.  After looking at all of these things my husband told me that I was in the risk category for a stroke!!  That was my reality check!  I am not even 40 years old, I have 3 children, I can't have a stroke!  It took a new year and a program at our church "The 90 Day Fitness Challenge" written by Phil and Amy Parham from the show "The Biggest Loser".  I'm past the point of just losing the weight.  It's a lifestyle change, a change in eating habits and watching what I eat, when I eat and how much I eat. 

I'm a nervous eater.  I'm a social eater.  I'm a boredom eater.  I can eat no matter what mood I'm in so I have to learn to tame that inner beast and calm her down! I embark on this journey, I will share with you my progress.  Of course, now that this is out in CyberLand, I HAVE to follow through, because everyone is watching!  YIKES!

Here we go ...
I went grocery shopping yesterday and bought a BUNCH of food.  You see, here in Mississippi, snow isn't common and if it's comin' you better prepare!  So I did!  I also took this opportunity to buy some healthy foods.

I read in my "90-Day Fitness Challenge" that foods should be natural and it mentioned in there blue corn tortilla chips.  (To save my life I can't find it now in that book.) Well, I knew I liked those...I've had them before.  So I bought them, along with some baked tortilla scoops!  I LOVE pita chips with sea salt but the store I was at was completely sold out!  GASP!

Bread - I love white bread.  Wheat bread disgusts me.  I think it is because as a child I was forced to eat wheat, all my friends had white bread for their sandwiches in their lunches, but NOOOOO, I had wheat bread.  Some of those wheat breads may as well just have had grain stalks in a bag and been sold that way because it tasted like they did anyway.  YUCK!  But, I found some bread that I'm going to try.

Snacks - I'm a snacker.  I love breads, pastries, desserts, anything sweet and fattening.  Since all of that has gone straight to my tummy and hips, I need to cut those things out...or at least find healthier options.  But let's face it, a girl's gotta have some "I'm having a bad day" foods so she can splurge and not feel guilty about it.
This is what I chose:

Ice Cream - Frozen Yogurt all the way!!  I bought these delicious Weight Watchers frozen treats and they are yummy!!!

So yesterday, I made homemade guacamole from my Weight Watchers cookbook.  I used to hate guacamole, but this is delicious!!!  It was so amazingly delicious, I decided to share the recipe.
1 ripe avocado
1 plum tomato (I used some of a Roma tomato)
2 scallions, only the white and light green parts (I used pre-chopped onions that you could get from your grocer's salad bar or fresh vegetable section)
1 small jalapeno pepper (Use gloves to prevent irritation) (I skipped it)
1 Tbsp fresh lime juice
1/2 tsp salt (I used sea salt)

Cut the avocado in half, dig out pit.  Spoon out the inside of the avocado into a small mixing bowl.  Mash with fork to desired consistancy.  Dice your tomato, scallions and jalapenos and then add them to avocado.  Add fresh lime juice and salt.  Mix together all ingredients with fork and serve!  Delicious on the blue corn tortilla chips!!  YUM!!

P.S. I took some pictures of my food options, but I will have to post them later.  :)

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