Saturday, July 9, 2011

Outdoor Candle Stand Redo

When we did the original landscaping in our yard we picked out a beautiful candle stand.  I promise, it was beautiful.  After a little bit of snow and a LOT of rain, it looked like this:


Look at all that RUST!  Gross!!!  I'm not sure why I thought a candle stand would work outside because candles melt in the heat so I have never used it, but it sure is pretty!  :)

Well...after reading several blogs and watching some DIY shows, I was feeling creative!  If I'm not going to use it for candles, I'm at least going to make it pretty.  Feeling adventurous and brave I bought this:

The paint is a beautiful brownish-bronzish-hammered-look color and I love it!!! 

I woke up this morning feeling adventurous...AGAIN!!  Two days in a row folks - this is rare.  I usually have these great ideas (light bulb moments), buy the supplies, sleep on it and somewhere between the "light bulb" moment and waking up the next day, I've decided it's either too much work or it WON'T work.  But THIS idea, this one got followed through...all the way!  (Insert claps and random sounds of praise!) 

I took that candle stand into the yard and showed it who's boss!!!  I've been lightly scolded by my husband about overspray on the deck and garage floor.  He told me to do it in the grass because it grew and could be mowed to remove the overspray.  So that is exactly where I spray painted the stand.  In the grass!!!  The one "lantern" is on the deck.  I took it off, put it in the grass to paint it, then realized that it was going to get messed up from the grass.  The other "lantern" I left on the stand.  When it is dry, I will take it off, touch up the spot that was missed by the paint and let it dry properly.  So here it all of it's brownish-bronzish-hammered-look beauty!  :)

Now look at that stand!!  Isn't it beautiful?!  I may just have to buy some candles and use it the next time we eat outside or maybe even "just because" the stand is beautiful now and not rusty!  YAY ME!  (Insert happy dance!)

I'm by no means a professional, but I love it!  AND since I used Rust-O-Leum spray paint, it won't rust.  At least not for a very long time!  :)