Monday, March 28, 2011

I Love It, I Love It...NOT!

Today I'm trying a different approach to my blogging.  I am feeling rather irritated today with all the junk that I have to do but am not really motivated at all to do.  Bear with me and hopefully together we will laugh about the craziness of it.  :)

Diet Dr. Pepper!  Is there any other soda?   Maybe, but this is what I'm drinking today.  Usually it's coffee but I ran out of coffee creamer.  Sin. 

My beautiful children!!!  Oh yes, even on their WORST days, I love them!!!  They aren't just linked by chromosomes to me, they are linked to my heart.  They can make me the most angry, the most hurt or make me feel more love than I could ever feel in my life.  My children.  WOW, I love them!

My HUSBAND!  The one who stole my heart over 17 years ago and the one who sees me at my very best and my very worst and still loves me.  And I love him!!!  Today.  Tomorrow.  Yesterday.  Forever.  <3

And this I just love because it is so tiny, probably a weed, but just a reminder that Spring is on the way and that God makes beauty all around us if we will just look for it. 


Laundry.  Oh yeah, it's clean but do I really have to fold laundry, put it away, take it out to wear it, put it in the hamper, sort it, wash it and then repeat?!?!  Isn't there a better way?  I used to like laundry.  Today, I "love it...NOT".

(Okay, this is where you're supposed to chuckle.  Just a little.)

Thank you!

Am I the only one that sorts each person's laundry on the back of the couch so as they walk by they can see it and take it upstairs?  Now ask me if they do that?  Nope.  :) (Grinning and bearing it.)

Random socks!  Yes, this may be just ONE lonely sock, but what you don't see is that these, teenage boy, yucky, smelly, black socks are found all over my house.  Socks are the only thing our 4 year old black lab loves to eat.  And destroy.  So today, and every other day, I "love it...NOT" these miscellaneous random socks. 

(Are you giggling just a little?)

Mismates!!!!  Okay, maybe in here there is a pair, maybe two pairs, but that is all folks.  I sweat, they go in a pair, but they come out lonely, little orphans.  Except for those random black socks that you saw above.  :)

 Do you see that?!  The temperature.  It's only 53 degrees.  Oh sure, that's not that bad, but we had a week of 70 and 80 degree days.  So today, I "love it...NOT!"

Thank you for listening to my rant.  I appreciate it.  I even feel a little better.  :)  Thank you.

God bless you today and may you find Him in all the things you LOVE or "LOVE...NOT"!!